Let’s start with the right problem.

I work across customer experience, delivering a broad range of projects that touch on every CX problem set.

CX is a uniquely challenging discipline. It requires having the right technology and the right team, equipped to solve any customer problem, whenever and wherever those problems occur.

To achieve that daunting objective, CX marries a range of often-confusing functions that need to execute effectively on their own and work seamlessly together. I partner with you to craft the right customer journey for your business, and then combine the right people, processes, and products to bring it to life.


Whereas most business teams clearly exist to maximize revenue or minimize cost, CX’s mission can often feel unclear. Certainly no one would argue against providing customer service, but what’s that team’s North Star objective? Retention? Efficiency? Brand building? I help growing businesses establish clarity in their CX strategy and greater rigor in how it’s executed.


Org Design

CX comes with a range of unique and specialized functions: Workforce, Learning & Development, Quality Assurance, Vendor Management, Real-Time Analytics, and more. I help bring clarity to these sometimes-confusing roles (separating truth from nonsense), and then partners with you to hire, structure, and manage them for maximum impact.


Workforce & Channel Strategy

As CX is often a company’s largest team, getting its structure right is important. Should we offer chat only, or chat and phone? Where should we hire our agents, remote or in-person? Should we outsource, and if so where? What should that cost? I have experience tackling these questions, and can help you establish a workforce optimized for your specific needs.


Ops & Performance

“Why is my team missing its goals?” Many CX teams align on all the right objectives, structure the right team, and hire the right talent, and still find themselves not achieving their goals. I - having seen this first-hand in one of tech’s best run companies, DoorDash - can help unpack why you might be missing and craft strategies for how to get back on track.


Talent Acquisition

Given all the specialized functions within a CX organization, it’s often challenging to know who you need to hire and whether they’ll actually be able to accomplish what you need them to. Having built a range of CX teams - both large and small - I can help you align on who you need to hire, how to find them, and how to evaluate whether they can deliver real results.



CX is a challenging discipline, requiring sharp analytics, constant problem solving, aspirational people leadership, and relentless positivity in the face of constant problems (customers rarely contact customer service because they’re happy). I specialize in providing both actionable strategies and active listening to help top CX talent grow into enduring, successful, senior leaders.
